Thursday, March 24, 2011

If I didn't trial

I wouldn't have to work so hard on learning how to whistle

I wouldn't be waking up at 4am thinking about the path of my dogs outrun pondering what it is that I'm not seeing that others do.

I wouldn't have to slip and fall out in the greasy pens at chore tim while walking down Ricky for slicing a flank or disobeying a command.

I wouldn't have to challenge myself to understand what correct work should look like both from the view of the dog and the livestock.

I wouldn't have to look to myself and my dog for issues with the livestock but could rather say "That's ok Ricky, your good, I would have bit that dang nasty ewe too."

I wouldn't have a higher standard of work to strive for and would be able to accept whatever my dog is willing to offer.

I wouldn't be blessed with the loyal companion that is sitting at my feet right now, gazing at me with admiration waiting for the next task that he can turn himself inside out trying to do as I ask and work together with me to accomplish.

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